Kamis, 04 Juli 2019

Mycro offers many jobs like

Do you want to clean your house because you want to have a party in the house or big family wants to come but you do not have time or want to fix everything but you lack skills or knowledge or even time. In Mycro you can post your work needs with the great Micro App, they will ensure fast connection with community members who can help you. Or for job seekers who want to do those things, Mycro can connect you and your work providers. It's like a great new idea.

Mycro offers many jobs like:

  • Services at home: (Gardening, cleaning, cleaning, shredding, small repairs, window cleaning, laundry, ironing, cooking and so on)
  • Delivery services: (Performing procurement, driving services, transportation services, delivery services and so on)
  • Virtual Services: (Internet research, travel planning, support services, clerical work, online surveys and so on)
  • Professional Services: (tutoring, photography, modeling work, piano lessons, computer setups, TVs, DJs, waiters, internet connection setups and so on)
In Mycro, this platform has payment methods and transactions with Mycro Token (MYO).

How to use Mycro Token?

1. Employment procurement:
Use Mycro Token (MYO) to gain better position in the job provider's control panel. This allows you to determine your own charge. We call it shopping.
  1. Rewards:
Get MYO from the community award group to rank well after completing work and building the Mycro community - controlled by a smart contract.
  1. Currency:
As planned, you can use your Mycro (MYO) card to pay for your work - a reliable and secure way of using a smart margin contract. (planned)

Distribution of tokens and funds

This is mycro diagram

Mycro's success is based on significant visual usability. The needs of job and job providers must be met quickly and without complications. This happens by combining job incentives with the right jobber. Only then will both sides achieve their goals. A product that works well for the job provider. A pleasant and lucrative job.

Why does Mycro use Blockchain?

The reason is:
  1. Use fast and easy.
Mycro smart algorithms can work properly with the right jobber very fast. You can post your job demands and jobbers see jobs at any time.
  1. Trust
Those who meet strangers are unreliable. Micros will address this issue through decentralized verification and verification systems that are implemented by smart blockchain contracts.
  1. Protection
Money is held by a decentralized smart debit agreement while the work is done. Neither job providers nor job seekers have access. The deposit will only be paid if the job is successful.
  1. Low fees
Mycro's vision transforms Mycro into an entirely decentralized (dApp) application. By eliminating intermediaries, intermediary fees up to 30% by intermediaries pay no longer pay. Jobs can always be posted for free. Users pay only 2% when using Mycro dApp.



Senin, 11 Maret 2019

Boltt Menciptakan Solusi Dpt Dipakai yang Inovatif untuk Gaya Hidup Fitness Kesehatan - BW Mengganggu

Dengan komitmen terhadap penemuan, Boltt didedikasikan untuk mengimprovisasi setiap aspek gaya hidup dan kebiasaan kebugaran kita. Dari hadirin di India, mereka membutuhkan cinta dan dukungan untuk membuat tanda sebagai merek muda India, mencoba menciptakan gelombang di pasar global.
Menurut perkiraan penelitian, pengiriman perangkat yang dapat dikenakan akan tumbuh pada CAGR 29% antara 2016 dan 2020. Pada tahun 2020, perangkat yang dapat dikenakan akan mewakili pasar senilai $ 40 Miliar dengan lebih dari $ 240 juta pengiriman unit tahunan. Pasar Global Health and Fitness Mobile saat ini bernilai $ 4 M sekarang dan diperkirakan bernilai $ 26 Miliar pada 2017. Ada lebih dari 60% tingkat drop-off oleh pengguna setelah mendapatkan pelacak / aplikasi kebugaran. Boltt ada di sini untuk mengantarkan gelombang baru di pasar yang berkembang pesat dari solusi kebugaran yang terhubung ini.

Sebuah perusahaan swasta yang berbasis di Noida, Boltt Sports Technology didirikan pada tahun 2016 oleh Arnav Kishore dan Aarushi Kishore.

Visi di balik 'Boltt' pada dasarnya adalah untuk menghasilkan merek yang merumahkan produk / perangkat kebugaran yang canggih secara teknologi dengan harga terjangkau. Konsekuensinya, gagasan ini berkembang untuk membuat teknologi kebugaran dapat diakses oleh massa. Alasan mengapa mereka ingin melangkah maju dengan hal yang sama adalah untuk mendorong semakin banyak orang di seluruh dunia, untuk terlibat dalam perawatan diri dengan memilih media kebugaran yang digerakkan sendiri dan membantu mereka dalam meningkatkan kesehatan dan gaya hidup mereka secara keseluruhan.

Usaha itu dibayangkan sebagai pengubah permainan, menyatukan kecerdasan buatan dan wearable untuk menciptakan ekosistem kebugaran terpandu yang terhubung. Ini akan bertindak sebagai sarana untuk memberdayakan orang untuk meningkatkan kesehatan dan gaya hidup mereka.

Boltt berkomitmen untuk menghadirkan "solusi kebugaran terhubung" terbaik ke dunia. Solusi cerdas khusus mereka seputar kinerja kesehatan, kebugaran, dan olahraga adalah integrasi unik teknologi dan kebugaran yang disatukan dalam satu penawaran.

Dengan komitmen terhadap penemuan, Boltt didedikasikan untuk mengimprovisasi setiap aspek gaya hidup dan kebiasaan kebugaran kita. Dari hadirin di India, mereka membutuhkan cinta dan dukungan untuk membuat tanda sebagai merek muda India, mencoba menciptakan gelombang di pasar global.

Sambil berbicara tentang fitur-fitur utama perusahaan, Arnav Kishore, CEO, Boltt mengatakan, “Salah satu fitur kunci dari Boltt adalah kemampuan untuk berinovasi dan mampu mengubah potongan besar data menjadi wawasan dan panduan yang berharga, menggunakan pelatihan virtual. Tujuannya adalah untuk menyediakan bimbingan teks 24 * 7 dan panduan interaksi pengguna, mendukung penggemar kebugaran dalam makan sehat, menjadi lebih aktif, dan membangun kebiasaan gaya hidup yang hebat dengan pelatihan dan motivasi yang konstan. "

Baut Koin BOLTT Token ICO
Bolttcoin akan memiliki penawaran $ 1 miliar, di mana penonton akan menjual token 50%. Penjualan Crowd Sale akan dimulai dari 20 Mei 2018, hingga 20 Juni 2018.

Token Detail

Menjual 500 juta BOLTT
Nilai tukar 1 ETH 4000 BOLTT, 1 BTC 70 000 BOLTT
Investasi minimum 1 BTC ETH LTC

Distribusi ICO token ICO
Bonus Program 3%
Tim Pendiri 10%
Mitra Strategis 3%
Langkah Produksi 15%
Program Bounty 1%
Masalah Bersama 15%

Boltt telah menginvestasikan sekitar $ 1 juta ke dalam bisnis sejauh ini. Model monetisasi mereka termasuk menjual perangkat keras bersama dengan langganan Aplikasi. Aplikasi Boltt juga berfungsi pada model BYOD melalui paket berlangganan bulanan, triwulanan, dan tahunan.

Perusahaan mendistribusikan produk ke beberapa orang kunci yang termasuk dalam lingkaran dalam mereka yang terdiri dari para ahli, influencer dan beberapa pengguna terpilih untuk mengukur beberapa bentuk umpan balik pada produk dan pengalaman pengguna yang sama. Boltt juga percaya pada ide inovasi yang berkelanjutan, dan oleh karena itu mereka secara kolektif bekerja untuk memberikan kehidupan pada gagasan ini. Akibatnya, mereka telah mengerjakan bentuk sensor baru yang bisa membuktikan keunikan di masa depan. Mereka memiliki rencana untuk integrasi B2B selain proposisi B2C inti.

Boltt ingin melangkah lebih jauh dan mengganggu status quo, sementara AI terdengar sangat menarik dan futuristik bagi mereka; itu seperti memasuki lubang hitam. Ini adalah ruang yang orang belum sepenuhnya mengeksplorasi dan mengingat kembali ke 2016, dan ada contoh yang sangat terbatas dari AI yang diterapkan dengan baik secara umum.

Situs web: https://bolttcoin.io
Whitepaper: https://bolttcoin.io/BolttCoinWhitePaper-V1.0.pdf
Telegram: https://t.me/BolttCoin
Twitter: https: // twitter. com / bolttsports
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/bolttsports


Kamis, 26 Juli 2018

The introduction of bitcoin was the beginning of the blockchain revolution, and since then blockchain technology has continued to grow into diverse areas of applicability. Ethereum, the second most popular blockchain in the world today has revolutionized the entire computing space with its use of the smart contract in consonance with blockchain technology.https://ecoinomic.net/docs/whitepaper / for more information.
About eCoinomic.net
eCoinomic.net is a digital platform providing traditional financial services to cryptocurrency holders. Its premiere service is fiat loans backed by crypto collateral. The project aims to bridge the gap between fiat and crypto worlds by bringing together cryptocurrency holders and institutional investors/family offices into a single lending network.Visit here https://ecoinomic.net/
What is eCoinomic.net ?
eCoinomic.net is a digital platform providing traditional financial services to cryptocurrency holders. Its premiere service is fiat loans backed by crypto collateral.
eCoinomic.net platform aims to fix two major issues of the cryptomarket:
Limited liquidity of the cryptocurrencies. eCoinomic.net brings family offices / institutional investors and attracts significant amounts of fiat money into the cryptomarket that are necessary for the creation of full-scale credit products. Makes fiat loans more accessible for crypto-owners by allowing them to use crypto-actives as a collateral.
eCoinomic provides its users with financial management services of the digital assets.
  • Lending – Secured and unsecured loans based on fiat money and cryptocurrencies
  • Investing – Long-term and short-term investments in cryptocurrencies and fiat money
  • Hedging – Mechanism of hedging the exchange rate risks for crypto assets
  • Crypto exchange – Including the function of managing collateral assets
  • Crypto payments – Payment agent with virtual cards issuance. Integration with the largest trading platforms (such as eBay and Amazon)
How it works
Successfull Loan Closure
Unclosed Loan
Top 6 strong points of the eCoinomic platform.
  • Multicurrency – The eCoinomic platform will accept as collateral: BTC, ETH, LCH, BCH + TOP10 cryptocurrencies. Loans will be issued in: USD, EUR, GBP, JPY, CHF, CNY.
  • Fiat money transaction speed – With the help of the built-in payment agent, the crediting time for fiat funds will only take several minutes.
  • Price monitoring system – The system checks collateral value every minute based on the data from several crypto exchanges.
  • Security and transparency – Smart contracts regulate the procedures of blocking, returning or liquidating collateral assets.
  • Insurance reserve fund – It is designed to enhance the attractiveness of the project for large and small investors.
  • Fully functional alpha version – Will be available for testing after the Pre-Sale
Benefits for everyone
  1. who purchased cryptocurrency as average and long-term investment expecting a high growth rate;
  2. who received crypto assets as payment for goods and services (e.g. miners);
  3. startups and funds who need short-term fiat funds;
Benefits For investors
  1. Private sector investors who allocate monetary resources for the purpose of generating income;
  2. Institutional investors who are interested in high profitability and low risk instruments.
ICO projects
eCoinomic.net wants to stress out that, in contrast with the most ICO projects, we do not intend to spend all of the funds we attract during the sale :
81% of funds gathered during the Token Sale Reserve stage is to be allocated to the Reserve only and will not be spent.
10% will be used to cover operational expenses of the platform before it becomes profitable.
9% will be used to cover marketing expenses for platform promotion.
Platform size
Monthly number of loans and the Reserve size
Q3-4 2020 – Conducting the IPO
Q1-2 2020 – IPO procedure initialization First stage crypto bank launch (licensed in the UK and EU)
Q3-4 2019 Cooperation and technical connection with trading platforms Issue of bonds Procedure of crypto bank registration start
Q1-2 2019 Finance transfers from financial institutions and family offices Expansion through global partnership with local microfinance organizations Legal procedures for bonds issue
Q4 2018 Virtual cards issue eCoinomics.net payment agent with open API launch Platform launch – November for early adopters, December – public.
Q3 2018 Obtaining of licenses, developing solutions for different jurisdictions Token Sale finish Partnership with top global payment agents Signing the Letters of Intent with financial institutions and family offices
Q2 2018 Pilot project launch in Russian Federation Token Sale (Pre-sale stage) International platform alpha release Token Sale start
Q1 2018 First public information on the project Early-stage development of the platform
2017 Origin of the idea Conducting cryptocurrency market research, technical solutions evaluation Working team assembly, concept development
Our Team
Our team has many years of experience in the real sector of economy, in working with banking and credit products. We are aware of the obstacles to the merger of the two markets: fiat and crypto currencies. Therefore, we are planning to implement in 2018 a platform that can work in the current legal and technical framework.
2005 – Legal and accounting services, financial consulting and audit.
2009 – Software development and telecommunications systems services.
2010 – Consulting and audit in the field of information technology; service for collecting and processing statistical data.
2012 – First orders from companies in the banking sector, conducting market research, automation of business processes.
2013 – Becoming a member of the group of financial companies; improvement of software products.
2015 – The origin of the eCoinomic idea; conducting blockchain studies, evaluating existing cryptocurrencies.
2017 – Creation of a working group, development of a platform concept and a loan product prototype.
For more information, please join us in Telegram group https://telegram.me/eCoinomicchatroom
Follow Us On : 
Official Website : https://ecoinomic.net/


Selasa, 24 Juli 2018


The online (OIO) sign is a unique digital asset that will release the Internet from advertising, malware and tracking software, leading to a more enjoyable and secure browsing experience, with considerable benefits for web operators and end users.

Our Main Features


Our solution uses a standard ERC20 token from the Ethereum platform that ensures full transparency and accountability, which means all transactions will be visible in public BlockChain.

No ads

At this time, web users pay to surf the internet, either through subscriptions or through less transparent costs, such as digital ads. In our envisioned environment, web users will enjoy free Internet advertising, while web operators will still benefit from financial rewards.

Without Tracking

In today's interconnected society, companies adopt online tracking practices and behavioral profiles that are less transparent. Very sensitive information, such as financial and health records are often collected, resulting in a myriad of privacy concerns. Our solution combines tracking script blocks that will greatly impair the ability to continue tracking in real-time user activity

Antivirus Protection

The massive expansion of the Internet and high levels of connectivity lead to a similar or even more dramatic increase in cyber attacks aimed at collecting sensitive and confidential information. One of the most prominent ways of doing cyber attacks is through an infected website that usually contains hidden malware scripts. Our solution will protect end users using anti-malware scripts and custom ad blocking that will protect their personal data and improve their security.

Faster Browsing

People realize that online advertising slows down their browsing speed, so more users are using ad blockers to navigate the internet faster. Through our solutions, end users will benefit from the effects of using ad blockers, while also enjoying a more secure and personalized experience due to other features. In addition, web operators can still monetize their website content.

Browser extension

Our solutions come with extensions for all major desktop and mobile browsers and include ad blockers, script blocking tracking, anti malware, and web wallets. Above, we will integrate a voting system that will help regulate the internet.

Mobile app

Our mobile app will work as wallet, ad blocker, script blocking tracker and anti malware. The mobile app will also contain performance enhancers and battery time that will further enhance the browsing experience.


Our wallets will work in all major operating systems and browsers. Your phone and tablet will have one app for your wallet, ad blocker, tracking script, anti malware, and desktop operating system will also have a dedicated app wallet.


Our website will have a full section dedicated to finding all the places where you can buy using a merchant system developed at home. In addition, the market will contain detailed information on how other merchants can integrate our merchant system. Information on international partner groups will also be available.


Merchants will be able to receive crypto payments through our system using our API or pre-built modules for the most popular ecommerce software solutions like shopify, prestashop, OpenCart, Magento and more.

How it works

The basis of financial rewards for website operators will be an online proof, a number that calculates the time users spend on each website. Most importantly, everyone will benefit from a free, safe, and personal ad browsing experience. In addition, end users will be able to rate every website based on their experience, using a 1 to 5 star polling system. The stars will then be converted based on the algorithmic formula in the Trust Rank which will be an indication of any quality website, provided by the visitor.


Token Distribution

Token mechanics

  • June 15th - June 19th - 25% Bonus
  • June 20th - June 24th - 20% Bonus
  • June 25th - June 29th - 15% Bonus
  • June 30th - July 4th - 10% Bonus
  • July 5th - July 9th - 5% Bonus
  • July 10th - July 31st - No Bonus

There will be a base price for the OIO token, but investors will receive a bonus in accordance to the above mentioned timeline.
Investors will be able to withdraw their tokens without the bonus tokens at the end of the Token Generation Event or when all tokens are sold.
The OIO tokens received as bonus will be eligible for withdrawal only after 90 days.


The idea first appeared in June
June to December: Initial research Phase
December: Validated the potential of the idea

1st Quarter
Studying blockchain in terms of platform integration perspective
Risk analysis, associated with blockchain
Started the development for the TGE Website & Platform

2nd phase of research completed
Whitepaper published
Development finished for the test network and base contracts code
Development finished for user API
Development started for data aggregation and financial dispatcher
Smart contract development started
UI design finished
Private TGE sales started
TGE platform beta version

2nd Quarter
TGE platform published accepting user registrations
Malware protection development started
User validation development started
Online time tracking development finished

Chrome and Firefox browser extensions development started
Web dashboard for OIO token owners development started
ICE token distribution algorithm implemented

TGE starts
Malware protection beta
User validation beta
Private cloud beta, guardian script beta
Wallet development started

3rd Quarter
Chrome and Firefox browser extensions beta
ICE token smart contract published
Web dashboard for OIO token owners release
Private cloud release
Guardian script release

Beta version of web dashboard for OIO token owners release
Chrome and Firefox Browser extensions release
Wallet beta release

4th Quarter
Web dashboard for OIO token owners release
Mobile applications development started

1st Quarter
Marketplace architecture
API SDK for custom integrations architecture

Plug-ins for E-Commerce solutions architecture
API SDK for custom integrations release
Wallet additional security features

2nd Quarter
Marketplace beta release
Plug-ins for E-Commerce solutions beta release

3rd Quarter
Marketplace release

4th Quarter
Plug-ins for E-Commerce solutions release.


Website: https://online.io/
White paper: https://online.io/download/OIO-Whitepaper.pdf
JN Thread: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=3452258
Telegram: https://t.me/OnlineIO
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Online.io/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/OnlineIO_


Mycro offers many jobs like Do you want to clean your house because you want to have a party in the house or big family wants to co...